Asking my teachers to turn the lights off in class helped me to focus my attention solely on the board and lesson. It minimized the strain on my eyes.
Oct 12, 2023
Icing my neck helped with some of the pain I was feeling, it also helped to relieve dizziness.
Jun 20, 2023
Vestibular Therapy involved a professional doing a maneuver to put back the crystals in the inner ear (that may have been displaced by a trauma to the head). This helped almost instantly to alleviate the dizziness and off-balance sensation I felt. A series of exercises helped to strengthen my vestibular system and made tolerating intense environments (lots of colour, noise and light) easier.
Reading glasses with a low prescription and blue tint facilitated reading and focusing on close tasks.
Mar 30, 2023
Meditation and taking frequent breaks.
Mar 09, 2023
Laying down in a dark space, preferably in my bedroom. Also asking teachers if I could be excused to lay down in the office helped during school hours.
Asking my teachers to turn the lights off in class helped me to focus my attention solely on the board and lesson. It minimized the strain on my eyes.
Icing my neck helped with some of the pain I was feeling, it also helped to relieve dizziness.
Vestibular Therapy involved a professional doing a maneuver to put back the crystals in the inner ear (that may have been displaced by a trauma to the head). This helped almost instantly to alleviate the dizziness and off-balance sensation I felt. A series of exercises helped to strengthen my vestibular system and made tolerating intense environments (lots of colour, noise and light) easier.
Reading glasses with a low prescription and blue tint facilitated reading and focusing on close tasks.
Meditation and taking frequent breaks.
Laying down in a dark space, preferably in my bedroom. Also asking teachers if I could be excused to lay down in the office helped during school hours.