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Forum: What advice would you give to a person coping with a concussion?

(respond in the comments below)


Apr 14, 2023

Understand that concussions are an injury to your brain, and despite not having a visual indication of a condition, it is still very important to treat and manage as you would any other injury. It can be terrifying to not be able to access the information and skills that you were previously capable of and the physical and mental symptoms should be treated with care and caution under the supervision of a qualified medical professional.


Mar 31, 2023

Don’t try to compare yourself to others. Although it can be really frustrating to jump into school work with an onslaught of symptoms, don’t make it worse for yourself by comparing yourself to others. Everyone is on their own path, and it is okay if it takes you a little longer than someone else to accomplish various tasks. Remember that your symptoms are both real and valid, and one day you will get back to where you were. Focus on your progress not the things your symptoms are holding you back from.


Mar 09, 2023

Try to find ways to lessen the stress you are feeling- that helps a ton! By not stressing, you give your brain a chance to heal properly. For me at least, this quickened my recovery time


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Disclaimer: The Concussion Project webpage should not be used as an alternative to advice from a licensed professional.

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